Moga Moga Manfaat

Assalamualaikum Sukacitanya di sini ingin aku kongsikan untuk pengguna whatsapp atau telegram yang tegar. Baru dilancarkan sebab tu kosong je. Kengkawan meh tolong meriahkan web nie agar dpt info yg berefaedah. Mga Moga Manfaat p/s: logo pon lom ada

  Will this site bring down all micro jobs site?

Now days there are so many micro jobs site found on the internet. And almost all of them take a fee commission for each jobs. Here I want to share a site which is free and take no commission fee. It is a marketplace (classified ads) which offer services and stuff for $5. It's kind a new but for me they doing good thing here, where everybody can advertise their skill and stuff for free.

Join and make money with freedom.

Hope to see this site expand and help everybody. If this thing happen, I wonder what will happen to other micro jobs site. Will they survived or not?

  Salam Ramadhan

Maaf kerana kesibukan yang melanda sehingga setahun aku baru boleh nak update blog ni. Ni pun aku just nak share something yang mungkin boleh membantu korang untuk own biz. cube try ushar yoshhh.. Image Hosted by

  Salam kemaafan


Aku tengah cari mood utk mengupdate blog ni..
Maaf sekali lagi kalo blog ni terbior bontang ye..

p/s: kepada follower2 sekelian jengah-jengah la kat
Suratkhabar melayu ada, omputih ada, cina ada, india pun ada..
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